Monday, 18 February 2008

Survivor Needs Meme



  • play with or pet or walk with the dog
  • play with or pet the cats
  • watch the birds at the feeder
  • sit on the deck
  • watch a funny movie

  • read a book
  • blog or write something
  • surf the net
  • computer art
  • draw or color

  • go to a meeting
  • call someone
  • call someone else
  • visit a friend
  • go to a bookstore or greenhouse

  • movement
  • hold a frog
  • take a bath
  • take a nap
  • meditate

  • ice cream
  • coffee
  • chocolate
  • power bars
  • diner or take-out


  1. to have oodles of money.
  2. to travel around.
  3. to write a book that is good enough to be banned in 14 countries and challenged in 2.
  4. to continue living in a house that we own.
  5. to meet more of my blogging buddies.

Rules of the "Survivor Needs" Meme

  • Please link back to: because that is where the meme came from. Marj aka Thriver created the meme specifically for survivors of any sort of abuse or assault, violence, etc.

  • List 25 needs and five wants. Needs are the things you need in order to take care of yourself, not a list of things that other people, professional helpers, critics, and in-laws think you need. Your wants list can be anything that you want!

  • Use this list to remind yourself to take care of YOU. It's nice to have other people around; however, it is not always possible. Those of us who call ourselves adults are ultimately responsible for getting our own needs met. No one other person can do it for us. Or: no one can be my everything. And I certainly am not looking to be anyone else's everything. We are all alone in our own skins. In my opinion, society as a whole needs to step away from the victim stance. Helplessness is a learned state and can be unlearned. It takes time and work. Anything worth having is worth working for.

  • Pass on the meme and tag five people if you want to. As usual, I tag no one. Even if you are not a survivor, you can still do this meme. I'm not going to claim that we survivors have the monopoly on pain because it just ain't so.
spike q. human bean

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